Identify bookfluencer & send review copy

Lit-X and Pondus have partnered to provide you with a dedicated series of use cases. All use cases are seamlessly integrated into your Pondus interface while leveraging the innovative AI and data from Lit-X.

The "Identify Bookfluencer & Send Review Copy" use case enables you to find a suitable bookfluencer to promote a specific title. You can select bookfluencers based on their reach and engagement, and validate your choices by analyzing their posting patterns. You'll be able to see which titles and genres they frequently and successfully discuss, how often they post on various platforms, and how their success has evolved over time. To finalize your selection, you can jump directly to the relevant original content of the bookfluencers in question, allowing you to check what kind of videos or posts they create and whether their style aligns with the title you want to promote.

Once you've selected a suitable bookfluencer in this data-driven manner, you can use Pondus to immediately send a review copy of the to be promoted title to the bookfluencer you selected.

This approach allows you to efficiently harness the power of social media for book advertising, contribute to multi-channel marketing campaigns, and boost the sales of your flagship titles.

You can get multiple tasks done with the same use case

Book an introduction now, we'll give you a walkthrough

Just book an introduction and we explain everything step-by-step and at your pace. We provide details and background, dive into the methodology and technology, share implementation best practices and support you along the way towards AI- and data-driven working.

This is how the use case looks like

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

  • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

  • Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

The use case integrates into your regular work flows

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The use case provides you with everything you need

Collapsible content

Data scope

We constantly extend our data scope. Depending on the data type, the scope may vary marginally. Currently, we cover the following data scope: 

  • Countries: Germany, United States
  • Titles: All titles generally available
  • Authors: All authors generally available
  • Genres: Children's, Crime, Literature & Fiction, Mystery & Detective, Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Teen & Young Adult, Thriller; all genres are limited to story-telling sub-genres, excluding, e.g., educational materials
  • Genres hierarchy: We provide a three-level genre hierarchy that is adjusted to industry standards across providers and can be individualized in a Custom use case: 
    • Level 1, e.g., "Thrillers"
    • Level 2, e.g., "Thrillers - Supernatural"
    • Level 3, e.g., "Thrillers - Supernatural - Vampires"
  • Data types: Publisher, author, author gender, title, topic, various success metrics, ratings, reviews, price, product variants, popularity (custom use cases include many additional data types depending on individual request)
  • Sources: We collect data from dozens of sources including but not limited to major online shops, review communities, agent communities, individual publishers, distributors, agent and author pages, social media platforms, text aggregators, and industry associations. 
  • Updates: Data is generally updated once per month. Social Media data is updated continuously, aiming for weekly updates. 

    Data quality

    Our data runs through an extensive quality control process. We capture all potential issues in an automated and reliable way. Issues addressed are constantly being updated, since we continuously increase our data quality further, dive deeper into the data and explore more use cases.

    Common issues include misspellings (e.g., Stefen King), different ways of writing names (e.g., H. P. Lovecraft vs. HP Lovecraft), data gaps in our input sources (e.g., no price available), wrong data in our input sources (e.g., miss categorized: "The Gift" in "Gift books" instead of "Thriller"), and many more.  

        Data visualization

        To give access to our data and visualize it, we use a tool called "Tableau"

        Tableau is a well-established tool for precisely our purpose; it focuses on easy handling, a self-explanatory user experience, and provides a lot of helpful material. 

        We guarantee that everyone who can use a computer can use and understand Tableau. 

        Should you struggle - we are here to help, just shoot us a message. 

        Also, there is a lot of guided courses ranging from general introductions to solutions to specific problems available: 


              • Updates are generally done on a monthly basis
              • Updates imply a data pull from all available sources
              • Updated data doesn't overwrite previous data but is appended to it, building a transparent timeline and adding value to the data
              • Social media data is continuously updated, aiming for a weekly update circle

                  Success definition

                  We define "success" as a multi-layered metric that is user-centric and consists of two main aspects:
                  • It includes a reader perception component that measures how well a book is received by the readership based on ratings and reviews
                  • It includes an approximation of actual sales based on price, number and value of ratings, reviews, bestseller list entries, and more

                        Start benefitting now, personally, and as publisher

                        • Sold books

                          Start selling through the right bookfluencers.


                          Stop wondering whether or not bookfluencer marketing could be a way to go for your next titles or to reactivate your backlist. Stop guessing which influencers could reach the right audience with enough reach and engagement.


                          Start driving your book sales through hiring the right bookfluencers and track how impactful the investment was in order to optimize your selection continuously.

                        • Robust decisions

                          Talk facts not fractual and individual perceptions.


                          Stop sharing individual opinions that are based on personal social media feeds influenced my personal web-behavior. Stop making business decisions based on the 5% of information you can manually collect in a realistic timeframe.


                          Start using current, complete, structured and searchable social media data to make your decisions. Form an educated opinion and then take robust decisions.

                        • Time saving

                          Use the tool for 15 minutes instead of spending an hour on social media.


                          Stop randomly browsing social media platforms, trying to navigate them with poorly managed hashtags or video descriptions. Stop consuming irrelevant content in hopes of understanding trends, bookfluencers or finding author/title mentions.


                          Start targetedly working with tailored data that helps you to answer your questions. And then use our direct video links to consume only relevant content.